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UNESCO Střednědobá strategie 2014-2021

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Název dokumentu
UNESCO Střednědobá strategie 2014-2021
[UNESCO MediumTermStrat 2014-2021]
Název dokumentu anglicky
UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2021
Odpovědná instituce
Datum schválení
Doba platnosti
2014 - 2021
Popis dokumentu
The UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2021 is an opportunity for Member States to define a common strategic vision for the Organization for the next eight years and the century ahead. This is our chance to sharpen UNESCO’s role and enhance its impact and delivery. show
In 2014-2021, UNESCO will continue to enhance the institutional approaches, tools and mechanisms necessary to improve its overall outputs and results delivery with fewer but more sharply articulated expected results, greater outreach that leads to more discernible and traceable impact of its show
Na UNESCO MediumTermStrat 2014-2021 navazuje implementační dokument